Eleven-year-old Faiga lives with her family on a small egg and poultry farm on the outskirts of Kiev, near the Dnieper River. They certainly aren’t rich, but Papa has always been able to give tzedakah and provide his family with all their yom tov needs. But this year, because the czar’s soldiers had helped themselves to some prize chickens and as many eggs as they wanted, money is tight and things look grim.
Faiga is so anxious to help her family. But just what can a young girl do on her own? Just when Faiga thinks she’s found the answer, all kinds of difficulties and challenges seem to spoil her plans. Will Faiga ever find the way?
This historical fiction story gives the reader a glimpse into the daily life of a family in Eastern Europe in the early 1800’s. This short chapter book, designed for the newly independent reader, can also serve as exciting read aloud material in the home or classroom.
Faiga Finds the Way
Written by Batsheva Brandeis, illustrated by Alexander Levitas
ISBN: 1-929628-28-5 / LCCN: 2005930762
Softcover / Pages 120 / Ages 7-10 / List price $12.95
Published January 2006
The Fun-to-Read Books
Once children can read on their own, they need short chapter books that have bright clear letters, well-placed illustration, and lots of excitement! Fun-to-Read Books are packed with adventure, humor, and all the Positive midos and mitzvos that discriminating parents and teachers have come to expect from Hachai publishing.
Author Information
Coming soon.
Illustrator Information
About the Artist:
Alexander Levitas was born in 1956 in Tashkent. After completing his college studies, he worked as an interior designer and technical illustrator. The first book he illustrated was published in 1987. Three years later, he moved to Israel where he has established a successful career, illustrating more than 30 books that were published in six countries.