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Let’s Go to The Farm

Published Date: July 20, 2012

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Rikki Benenfeld
7 x 10 inches




A good book can transport readers to a distant place, allowing them to encounter a brand new experience.  That’s what makes Let’s Go to the Farm such a wonderful journey for children and parents to share!

On their visit to a small farm, our young brother and sister see so many of Hashem’s creatures and learn where eggs and milk come from.  They feed the goats, meet a family of ducklings, and notice how well the mother sheep looks after her little lamb!

Our family enjoys a picnic and offers some food to the farmer.  Of course, the farmer feeds his animals before eating anything himself.

Then it’s on to the orchard and the fields, picking a huge basket of fruits and vegetables to enjoy.  It’s been a day to discover so much about Hashem’s world and to appreciate the different foods that Hashem provides.

Let’s Go to the Farm is sure to become another classic in Hachai’s Toddler Experience Series, earning its place on every preschool bookshelf!



Let’s Go to the Farm

Written and illustrated by Rikki Benenfeld

ISBN: 978-1-929628-40-7 / LCCN: 2007935268

Hardcover 32 pages / Ages 2-5 / List Price $12.95

Publication Date: January 2010


Toddler Experience Series
This series, with its rhymes and gentle watercolor illustrations, helps toddlers prepare for – and share- some of the most basic everyday events in their lives.

Author Information

About the Author:


Rikki Benenfeld

I was born in Israel but grew up in Brooklyn and attended Sora Schenirer High School in Boro Park. I am Married and have children and grandchildren, bh. I have always had an interest in book illustrations and enjoyed writing short stories and poems. I especially enjoy and relate well to young children and find that they have a real love and appreciation for books and pick up a lot of information from the illustrations as well. I get pleasure out of knowing how much children learn and pick up from my books.

Illustrator Information

See About the Author



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