For a three-year-old boy, his “upsheren” – the traditional first haircut – is an exciting event. It can also be an occasion for anxiety, which is why this book was conceived: to help parents prepare for, and reassure their child about this special day. The text’s clear and simple style is complemented by delicate watercolor drawings.
My Upsheren Book
Written by Yaffa leba Gottlieb illustrated by Bina Tirzah Bindell
ISBN: 978-0-922613-37-3 / LCCN:94102075
Hardcover / Pages 32 / Ages 2-5 / List price $12.95
Publication Date: March 1991
Author Information
Coming soon.
Editor’s Review
“…speaks in just the right tone about an upsheren celebration from the birthday boy’s point of view.” N’shei Newsletter.