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Once Upon A Time

Published Date: July 22, 2012

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Vitaliy Romanenko
8.5 x 11 inches



In this high-tech, digital age, you still need to learn to tell time the old fashioned way!  Today, children learn to tell time digitally and often don’t really become comfortable reading the hour hand and the minute hand of a traditional clock.

Conceived and written by an educational specialist who has taught scores of children to tell time, Once Upon a Time presents both an analog clock face and one with familiar digital numbers.  This colorful picture book doesn’t  just show the hour or the half-hour. . .every five-minute increase is demonstrated!

In addition, common expressions like “a quarter to 8”  “half past 7” are included.  A helpful note to parents and teachers offers readiness activities and tips on explaining the clockface to children.

Once Upon a Time is just as interesting to kids who are still too young to tell time.  They will enjoy the broader message that every minute is precious, and learn that the best way to use time is for Torah study and the performance of mitzvos!

A beautiful, large-sized volume with bright, full-color illustrations Once Upon a Time entertains as it educates with unusual characters and catchy rhymes.


Once Upon A Time

written by Draizy Zelcer, illustrated by Vitaliy Romanenko

ISBN: 978-1-929628-00-1 / LCCN: 2001086735

Hardcover / 32 pages / Ages 2-5 / List Price $13.95

Published November 2001

Hardcover – out of print – Available in paperback POD edition.

(Also available in French version, see title called “A la Bonne Heure”)

Author Information

About the author:


Draizy Zelcer is a reading specialist and author of My Jewish ABC’s, a popular alphabet book for children published by Hachai. 

Illustrator Information

About the Illustrator:


Vitaliy Romanenko was born in Russia.  He received his M.A. in Design at the St. Petersburg University of Art and Design.  After graduation he was invited to join the faculty at the University where he taught composition and graphic art for eight years.

During this period, Vitaliy worked on many designs and art projects.  From 1991 to 1994 he and his wife Nataliya Piskunovo designed and illustrated eight colorful books for children.

Since immigrating to the United States with his family, Vitaliy has worked as a computer artist on graphic projects and illustrated a number of books including The Very Best Book for Hachai Publishing.



“. . .affirms a way of life that sanctifies even the most mundane of daily activities.”  School Library Journal



“Recommended for it’s story alone or for the story plus instructional content.” Association of Jewish Libraries



“Enthusiastically recommended” Midwest Book Review



“ . . .an enjoyable story about the value of time. . .also a comprehensive teaching guide.” L’chaim



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