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The Creation Book

Published Date: August 1, 2018

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Dena Ackerman
8.5 x 11 inches


“The sky up high, the land and sea, a brand new world for you and me.”

Crisp writing and extraordinary illustration combine in this unique picture book about the Creation of the world.  The author’s rhyming couplets detail the creations that Hashem brought into being on each passing day.

“Fins and scales. Flapping tails.

A school of fish. A pod of whales.”

Most important of all is the simple truth shining through the entire narrative:  this wonderful world was designed especially for us, and it is good.

The Creation Book features paper cut artwork, watercolor and collage techniques by Dena Ackerman, with spectacular details that will delight the very young and amaze their parents and teachers, too!


The Creation Book

written by Chani Gansburg illustrated by Dena Ackerman

ISBN: 978-1-945560-06-4 / LCCN 2017953733

Hardcover / 32 pages / Ages 3-6 / List Price $13.95

Publication Date; August 2018

Author Information

About the Author:


Chani Gansburg is a stay-at-home mom who takes great pride in her role as a Jewish woman, wife, and mother. Communicating big concepts to small people is an integral part of her daily life. The Creation Book is her second published book for children.

Illustrator Information

About the Artist:


Dena Ackerman grew up in Los Angeles, where she was drawing pictures and devouring books from a young age. Dena has illustrated numerous picture books and chapter books, works as a fine artist, and teaches drawing and painting in Ramat Beit Shemesh, where she currently lives.


Jewish Book Council By Michal Hoschan­der Malen  – August 20, 2018

This beau­ti­ful book com­bines vibrant col­ors, col­lage, and rhyme to tell the sto­ry of the world’s cre­ation. Each of the sev­en days is depict­ed, accom­pa­nied by poet­ic text. Ackerman’s use of per­spec­tive and col­or cre­ate an atmos­phere that is pos­i­tive­ly Edenic.

The book com­mu­ni­cates that one of the most spe­cial aspects of the earth’s cre­ation hap­pened on the last day: a day to rest and appre­ci­ate all we have been giv­en. The pic­tures in this last sec­tion show peo­ple from all over the world with a vari­ety of skin tones and cov­ered heads enjoy­ing a day of rest.

Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 3 to 6.

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