Braid the Challah – A Playful Action Rhyme
Braid the Challah shows exactly how a bowl full of batter turns into a beautiful challah… while a cheerful group of small children demonstrate the actions that go along with each step. Read more…
Braid the Challah shows exactly how a bowl full of batter turns into a beautiful challah… while a cheerful group of small children demonstrate the actions that go along with each step. Read more…
It’s never too early to show how a precious Torah scroll is written. In I am a Torah, happy children stretch out their arms to be as wide as the parchment, stand up straight and tall like a feathery quill, and rotate their arms as the scroll is rolled up. Read more…
It’s so much fun for children to open the flap and reveal exactly the right words and Jewish expressions throughout the day! Read more…
Bright colorful illustrations of a family celebration bring the holiday to life, and as an added bonus, there’s a page of Chanukah activities for the whole family to share. Read more…
Adapted from Hot on the Trail, a Hachai Classic title made shorter and simpler for the very young. Read more…
Adapted from Labels for Laibel, a Hachai Classic title made shorter and simpler for the very young. Read more…