It’s Called Kibud Av Va’Eim

: 7 x 10 inches

In this simple, joyous picture book, a young sister and brother share their enthusiasm for Kibud Av Va’eim. Read more…

The Aleph Bais Ship – Yiddish

: 7 x 10 inches

A toy ship, a pack of Aleph-Bais cards, and a load of imagination combine to create an adventure on the high seas! Read more…

The Hidden Artist

: 7 x 10 inches

What happens when we point out the beauty of Hashem’s world to our children? They learn to notice, to appreciate, and to connect to the One Who created it! Read more…

Shabbos, Shabbos I Love You!

: 7 x 10 inches

Join the two adorable, wide-eyed children as they relish every moment of their favorite day of the week! Read more…

Benny’s Mitzvah Notes

: 8.5 x 11 inches

Every day, Benny’s mother writes him a mitzvah note, and his father draws a picture on it. Benny takes those notes to his teacher in school. Read more…

Let’s Meet Community Helpers

: 7 x 10 inches

Join a young brother and sister as they meet police officers, firefighters and other community helpers. Read more…

The Illustrated Family Tehillim

: 7 x 10 inches

This edition will elevate the recital of Tehillim and make the experience more meaningful for readers of every age. Read more…

What Did Pinny Do? An Upsherin Story

: 8.5 x 11 inches

When Pinny was born, he only had a little bit of hair. Read more…

On This Night – The Steps of the Seder in Rhyme

: 7 x 10 inches

In this inspired picture book, all the steps of the Passover Seder are described in lovely rhyming verses. The evocative, full color illustrations truly capture the childhood joy of this meaningful family gathering… Read more…

Purim Guess Who? A lift the flap book

: 7.5 x 7.5 inches

It’s exciting and interactive for children to guess the rhyming Purim riddles, then open the flap to reveal the answers. Cleverly designed so the very young will learn as they go… Read more…