One of a Kind Yanky – and other stories

: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Whether collecting runaway spiders, or catching a runaway clown, Yanky Arens is always up to something. Read more…

Marvelous Mix Up and other tales of Reb Shalom

: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

The wise and understanding Rabbi of Keppel is really put to the test! When the richest man in town won’t share a penny with anyone, when something mysterious is wrong with all the children, and when his hateful enemy sets to take revenge on the Jews – will Reb Shalom come to the rescue? Read more…

Faiga Finds the Way

: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Eleven-year-old Faiga lives with her family on a small egg and poultry farm on the outskirts of Kiev, near the Dnieper River. They certainly aren’t rich, but Papa has always been able to give tzedakah and provide his family with all their yom tov needs. But this year, money is tight and things look grim. Faiga is so anxious to help her family. Read more…

The Secret Tunnel

: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

During the time of King Chizkiyahu, dark days lay ahead for Yonatan and the Jews of Yerushalayim. The wicked King of Ashur, Sancheriv, was about to surround the city. The enemy could easily win by simply blocking off the water supply of the Jews. Read more…

The Great Potato Plan

: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Simcha thought that he, Mama and the little ones would soon be on their way to join Papa in America. But when a terrible war breaks out in Europe they are unable to leave Warsaw. Simcha knows Papa expects him to keep the family safe while they are apart. Read more…

More Precious than Gold – A Story of Inquisition Spain in the 1490’s

: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Sara’s parents will do anything to live and raise their children as Jews. In Spain during the 1490’s, that means leaving wealth, valuables and a comfortable life behind to set sail for the Ottoman Empire. Sara is reluctant to leave her familiar childhood home until she understands what her priorities really are. Read more…

Sara Finds a Mitzva

: 7 x 10 inches

Sara Finds a Mitzva is a beautifully illustrated storybook that highlights the importance of returning lost items to their owners. When Sara finds a little toy duck abandoned on top of a mailbox, she and her grandmother embark on a search for the owner that takes them from place to place. Will Sara find her mitzva in the end? And how will she feel about giving up that cute toy duck with shiny black button eyes and soft white wings? The Torah teaches that we should make every effort to return lost items to their owners. Read more…

Time for Torah

: 7 x 10 inches

What does a little boy notice about his neighbor, his favorite teacher, his family doctor, and the local shopkeeper? As much as they can, throughout the day, they make time for Torah! Read more…

The Waiting Wall

: 8.5 x 11 inches

In the old city of Yerushalayim, a certain Wall is waiting. On the way to meet their family at the Kosel Hamaaravi, a young brother and sister share their impressions and feelings about the extraordinary place… Read more…

The Aleph-Bais Trip on the Aleph-Bais Ship

: 7 x 10 inches

A toy ship, a pack of Aleph-Bais cards, and a load of imagination combine to create an adventure on the high seas! Read more…