What Else do I Say? A lift the flap book
It’s so much fun for children to open the flap and reveal exactly the right words and Jewish expressions throughout the day! Read more…
It’s so much fun for children to open the flap and reveal exactly the right words and Jewish expressions throughout the day! Read more…
Bright colorful illustrations of a family celebration bring the holiday to life, and as an added bonus, there’s a page of Chanukah activities for the whole family to share. Read more…
Adapted from Hot on the Trail, a Hachai Classic title made shorter and simpler for the very young. Read more…
Adapted from Labels for Laibel, a Hachai Classic title made shorter and simpler for the very young. Read more…
When your birthday falls on Chanukah like Matisyohu Dov Ber Chaim Tzvi’s, something special can happen! Join in the fun as he tries to celebrate with the biggest birthday latke ever made! Read more…
A preschool child’s book about the parts of the body from a Jewish point of view. It’s fun to explore the mitzvos that every child can do… Read more…
Five good friends spend an afternoon together in the field, wishing they could somehow enter the palace for a meeting with the king. Read more…
When the Rabinovich children arrive in America, they each bring a special gift from their grandparents back in Russia. Eleven-year-old Moshele uses his gift to help him adjust to being Jewish out on the North Dakota prairie. Twelve-year-old Raizel uses her gift to remind her to act more grown up, even when there are animals in the beds, chickens reluctant to give up their eggs, and dangerous blizzards. And nine-year-old Chaya? She can’t even figure out what Bubby’s gift is supposed to be. Read more…
By using their sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch, the lively children in this book can always figure out which Jewish holiday has arrived. Read more…
At the heart of mastering the blessings on food is understanding the origin of each type of treat. This unique picture book details the growing and processing of bread, grape juice, baked goods, fruits vegetables and more! Now, toddlers can understand how familiar favorites appear on their plates . . . Read more…